

Namespace: NovelFS.NovelIO
Parent Module: IO

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
( .>> ) u v
Signature: u:IO<'?7408> -> v:IO<'?7409> -> IO<'?7408>
Type parameters: '?7408, '?7409

Sequence actions, discarding the value of the second argument.

CompiledName: op_DotGreaterGreater

( <!> ) f x
Signature: f:('?7422 -> '?7423) -> x:IO<'?7422> -> IO<'?7423>
Type parameters: '?7422, '?7423

Map operator for IO actions

CompiledName: op_LessBangGreater

( <*> ) f x
Signature: f:IO<('a -> 'b)> -> x:IO<'a> -> IO<'b>
Type parameters: 'a, 'b

Apply operator for IO actions

CompiledName: op_LessMultiplyGreater

( <=< ) f g x
Signature: f:('?7418 -> IO<'?7419>) -> g:('?7420 -> IO<'?7418>) -> x:'?7420 -> IO<'?7419>
Type parameters: '?7418, '?7419, '?7420

Right to left Kleisli composition of IO actions, allows composition of binding functions

CompiledName: op_LessEqualsLess

( >=> ) f g x
Signature: f:('?7414 -> IO<'?7415>) -> g:('?7415 -> IO<'?7416>) -> x:'?7414 -> IO<'?7416>
Type parameters: '?7414, '?7415, '?7416

Left to right Kleisli composition of IO actions, allows composition of binding functions

CompiledName: op_GreaterEqualsGreater

( >>. ) u v
Signature: u:IO<'?7405> -> v:IO<'?7406> -> IO<'?7406>
Type parameters: '?7405, '?7406

Sequence actions, discarding the value of the first argument.

CompiledName: op_GreaterGreaterDot

( >>= ) x f
Signature: x:IO<'?7411> -> f:('?7411 -> IO<'?7412>) -> IO<'?7412>
Type parameters: '?7411, '?7412

Monadic bind operator for IO actions

CompiledName: op_GreaterGreaterEquals

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