

Namespace: NovelFS.NovelIO

Pure IO Functions

Nested types and modules


Computation Expression builder for IO actions


IO looping constructs


Parallel IO combinators

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
apply f x
Signature: f:IO<('a -> 'b)> -> x:IO<'a> -> IO<'b>
Type parameters: 'a, 'b

Takes an IO action which produces a function that maps from a value to another value and an IO action which produces the first value, producing a new IO action which produces the second value. This is like map but the mapping function is contained within IO.

awaitTask task
Signature: task:Task<'?7368> -> IO<'?7368>
Type parameters: '?7368

Allows the awaiting of a result from a forked Task

bind x f
Signature: x:IO<'?7326> -> f:('?7326 -> IO<'?7327>) -> IO<'?7327>
Type parameters: '?7326, '?7327

Monadic bind for IO action, this is used to combine and sequence IO actions

bracket act fClnUp fBind
Signature: act:IO<'b> -> fClnUp:('b -> IO<'c>) -> fBind:('b -> IO<'d>) -> IO<'d>
Type parameters: 'b, 'c, 'd

Allows you to supply an effect which acquires acquires a resource, an effect which releases that research and an action to perform during the resource's lifetime

chooseM mFunc sequ
Signature: mFunc:('?7373 -> IO<'?7374 option>) -> sequ:'?7373 list -> IO<'?7374 list>
Type parameters: '?7373, '?7374

Map each element of a list to a monadic action of options, evaluate these actions from left to right and collect the results which are 'Some' as a sequence.

filterM pred sequ
Signature: pred:('?7376 -> IO<bool>) -> sequ:'?7376 list -> IO<'?7376 list>
Type parameters: '?7376

Filters a sequence based upon a monadic predicate, collecting the results as a sequence

foldM accFunc acc sequ
Signature: accFunc:('?7381 -> '?7382 -> IO<'?7381>) -> acc:'?7381 -> sequ:'?7382 list -> IO<'?7381>
Type parameters: '?7381, '?7382

Analogous to fold, except that the results are encapsulated within IO

forkIO io
Signature: io:IO<'a> -> IO<unit>
Type parameters: 'a

Allows a supplied IO action to be executed on the thread pool

forkTask io
Signature: io:IO<'a> -> IO<Task<'a>>
Type parameters: 'a

Allows a supplied IO action to be executed on the thread pool, returning a task from which you can observe the result

fromEffectful f
Signature: f:(unit -> 'a) -> IO<'a>
Type parameters: 'a

Creates an IO action from an effectful computation, this simply takes a side effecting function and brings it into IO

iterM mFunc sequ
Signature: mFunc:('a -> IO<'b>) -> sequ:seq<'a> -> IO<unit>
Type parameters: 'a, 'b

Map each element of a list to a monadic action, evaluate these actions from left to right and ignore the results.

join x
Signature: x:IO<IO<'?7331>> -> IO<'?7331>
Type parameters: '?7331

Removes a level of IO structure

lift2 f x1 x2
Signature: f:('?7356 -> '?7357 -> '?7358) -> x1:IO<'?7356> -> x2:IO<'?7357> -> IO<'?7358>
Type parameters: '?7356, '?7357, '?7358

Takes a function which transforms two values in another value and two IO actions which produce the first two values, producing a new IO action which produces the result of the function application

liftAsync a
Signature: a:Async<'a> -> IO<'a>
Type parameters: 'a

Lift an async computation into IO

map f x
Signature: f:('?7348 -> '?7349) -> x:IO<'?7348> -> IO<'?7349>
Type parameters: '?7348, '?7349

Takes a function which transforms a value to another value and an IO action which produces the first value, producing a new IO action which produces the second value

pure' x
Signature: x:'?7354 -> IO<'?7354>
Type parameters: '?7354

Lift a value into IO. Equivalent to return.

repeatM mFunc n
Signature: mFunc:IO<'?7388> -> n:int -> IO<unit>
Type parameters: '?7388

As replicateM but ignores the results

replicateM mFunc n
Signature: mFunc:IO<'?7386> -> n:int -> IO<'?7386 list>
Type parameters: '?7386

Performs the action mFunc n times, gathering the results.

return' x
Signature: x:'?7322 -> IO<'?7322>
Type parameters: '?7322

Return a value as an IO action

run io
Signature: io:IO<'?7320> -> '?7320
Type parameters: '?7320

Runs the IO actions and evaluates the result

sequence seq
Signature: seq:IO<'?7384> list -> IO<'?7384 list>
Type parameters: '?7384

Evaluate each action in the list from left to right and collect the results as a list.

traverse mFunc lst
Signature: mFunc:('?7370 -> IO<'?7371>) -> lst:'?7370 list -> IO<'?7371 list>
Type parameters: '?7370, '?7371

Map each element of a list to a monadic action, evaluate these actions from left to right and collect the results as a sequence.

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